Hello, I am Youness EL Brag

A Single and a Musician enthusiast. I am a Machine Learning Engineer And Researcher at Jordan University of Science and Technology A Part Time Job working in the Medical Image Engineering and Processing A proud Department of Allied Medical Sciences-Radiologic (Technology) with a Master degree (Embedded system) but all interesting field of study is ML , who likes to write about machine learning @Medium. If I were not an Engineer, I would have been an psychologist. I am fascinated by Human behaviors and socialism and like to read and discover more about Huamn interactions and Neuronscience. I love to Listen to Jazz/Blues music .

Current/Past Affiliations

NUWM the national university of water and environmental engineering
JUST jordan university of science and technology
FPL Multi-disciplinary faculty Larache

Work Experience

  • Machine Learning Engineer Medical Image Processing - NUWE

    Working towards improving perception DNNs and convolutional neural network for Eyes Diseases Diagnosis. and improve data Quality of Images using Generative Modeling GANs , and developing End-to-End Web Application to test our development System Diagnosis using Web-developmenet Techno Stack
  • Machine Learning Reseacher Intern - JUST Department of Allied Medical Sciences-Radiology

    Worked in the Advanced BioMedical Engineering Sides specially improve The Medical image Artificts and design accuate Models for Brast Cancer and Coronaries alrties dealing with 3D Volumitric Dataset using 3D Convolution and Unet , having chance to integrated Attention Mechanism , worked on Vision-Transfomers and Geometry Deep Learning
  • Data Scientist || Level Expert - kaggle Competitions

    my Journay in Kaggle was to imptove my Skills in Data Science and working with different tyoe of Dataset and reading codes and write Clean code also make Good Document Notebook for other contrubitors to gain feedbacks , trying to have a global vision of working on many multi-challenges

Education & Research


  • M.Sc.Embedded System Engineering - University Abdelmalek Essaadi Tetouan, Larache, Tetouan
    Focus: Digital Signal Processing
  • B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science - University Abdelmalek Essaadi Tetouan, Larache, Tetouan
    Focus: Mathematics and computer science

Research Area

Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Hardware-Algorithm Co-design, ML System Design